Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Interview Plan: Financial Aid Status

My experience at the financial aid office has often made me the receiver for queries regarding a student's financial aid package, loans, status, etc., and so what follows is my interview plan for the Financial Aid Office on what determines everything that goes on behind the scenes. The date and time along with the participants are yet to be announced as an interview hasn't been set up yet. The location is at HPU's Financial Aid Office.

Objective of Interview
 - Figure out what determines a student's financial aid award package

Date,Time, and Location
 - HPU's Office of Financial Aid, Time and Date (TBA)

User Participants (names and titles/positions)
 - TBA

Project Team Participants
 - Estefania Duterte


1. What are the steps needed to receive financial aid at HPU?
2. How do you know if that student is eligible for financial aid?
3. How do you know if a student is eligible for the Pell Grant?
4. What determines the amount of the award package they receive?
5. When does the aid received in the award package pay out?
6. What if their aid doesn't get paid out?
7. Does every student receive the same amount in financial aid?
8. If a student drops a course, will it affect their financial aid?
9. What if their status changes from a full-time student to part-time?
10. What if they drop all their courses after their aid has paid out?
11. How do you determine a student's financial aid status?
12. If a student accepts their loan awards, do they need to do anything else?
13. Who receives financial aid?
14. How do you determine what documents need to be turned in?
15. Does the process differ between undergraduates, graduates, and military students?
16. What if a student wanted to make changes to the amount of the award they accepted?


Important decisions or answers to questions
 - What students provide to the Financial Aid Office through FAFSA determines what a student receives in their award package and also determines what kind of documents must be turned in for verification.

Open items not resolved with assignments for solution
 - TBA

Date and time of next meeting or follow-up session
 - TBA

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